ADDIE design is an outline of instructional strategies is creating to include: learning content, activities, assessments, and media selections. It should be sequential and logical.
Three Design Steps
Step 1: Clearly define all learning outcomes and objectives.
Cognitive – Knowledge – Head
Affective – Attitude – Heart
Psychomotor – Skill – Hands
Step 2: Make final determinations for:
- The course will be taught - Online Classroom
- The software technology will be the Google Classroom Platform
- The structure, look, and graphic design
- The Student population is adult education
- e-Learning will be – Synchronous
- e-Learning will be Text Driven/
- Media selection will include text, graphics, audio
narration, video, photos, etc.
- The training will be designed to appeal to social, government, history, justice, or law majors.
- Content sources and subject matter analysis
- Media selection (text, graphics, audio narration, video, photos, etc.)
- Exercises, applicable and appropriate games, and activities (collaborative, interactive, or per participant for the participants to practice the new knowledge or learned skills and gauge their performance)
- Time frames for each instructional element
- Handouts and student materials necessary to support the course
- Assessment instruments (Quizzes, exams, methodology, etc, plan and necessary resources (for example, Subject Matter Experts)
- Who will the instructors be and what skills will they need to teach the course?
- Who will the student population be and how can the training be designed to appeal to them?
- How can students give feedback on the course?
- Timeline for pilot prototype delivery
Step 3: Create a Storyboard. Graphically organize your design layout including illustrations and images. Word, Powerpoint, Whiteboarding, and other software can help with this task.
Bloom's Taxonomy is named after Benjamin Bloom creation in 1956. The phrase Taxonomy of Educational Objectives is familiarly known as Bloom's Taxonomy. It simply states a course objective is a brief statement that describes what students will be expected to learn by the end of the course. The full power of learning objectives should be explicitly stated. It is critical to write clear learning objectives to create and teach a course.
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